Quick Test Parena (No Prize) #2
Tournament is closed! The winner was Defiant Dunlin!
There were a total of 5 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 12:38am on Jun 9, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 00000000000000247b2cdba3bbc9586d40c7a7c70feaa53e16898db2cc2ef795
Quick Test Parena (No Prize)
Tournament is closed! The winner was Shy Shrew!
There were a total of 5 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 12:32am on Jun 9, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 0000000000000009fdbf955bd37af66378b116a50ad700efc7f62c54519db2d7
Shawn Needs To Test Something Mini-Parena #2
Tournament is closed! The winner was Confused Chamois!
There were a total of 11 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 2:31pm on Jun 8, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000003eea5b036ea4603f9d4e719809e50c1d5cfc2b20229ecd0b79
Shawn Needs To Test Something Mini-Parena
Tournament is closed! The winner was Nasty Nightingale!
There were a total of 12 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 1:56pm on Jun 8, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000002d53399354e285298f028f3c751c29e1784cddcf686ffde54b
I won the Wednesday game, so here's some Wednesday!
Tournament is closed! The winner was Disturbed Dogfish!
There were a total of 17 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 5:44pm on Jun 6, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000001d2d5def1c4bb133d360b8f88fb92c83c23d7758929b5ebd41