Confused Chamois
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: Ryan / @Jkbeast101
- Class: Orc
- Weapon: Mace
- IN: 6
- AT: 12
- PA: 9
- Wins: 4
Seed: 000000000000014efb4d56f40ecbcff7c710e51f7ab4cd7c7a077844d783a019
Shawn Needs To Test Something Mini-Parena #2
Match Results
Confused Chamois vs. BYE
Round 1Confused Chamois was lucky and was able to earn a BYE past round #1!
Confused Chamois vs. Helpful Hedgehog
Round 2Confused Chamois was victorious over Helpful Hedgehog and won!
Helpful Heron vs. Confused Chamois
Round 3Confused Chamois was victorious over Helpful Heron and won!
Innocent Iguana vs. Confused Chamois
Round 4Confused Chamois was victorious over Innocent Iguana and won!