Nasty Nightingale
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: [Nico]Nico / @kwarktaart
- Class: Elf
- Weapon: Daggers
- IN: 8
- AT: 8
- PA: 10
- Wins: 4
Seed: 00000000000002d53399354e285298f028f3c751c29e1784cddcf686ffde54b1
Shawn Needs To Test Something Mini-Parena
Match Results
Nasty Nightingale vs. Spotless Skipper
Round 1Nasty Nightingale was victorious over Spotless Skipper and won!
Clean Capybara vs. Nasty Nightingale
Round 2Nasty Nightingale was victorious over Clean Capybara and won!
Outstanding Otter vs. Nasty Nightingale
Round 3Nasty Nightingale was victorious over Outstanding Otter and won!
Nasty Nightingale vs. Tame Tiger
Round 4Nasty Nightingale was victorious over Tame Tiger and won!