Statty Stat McStattington Parena Time!
Tournament is closed! The winner was Delightful Dugong!
There were a total of 12 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 4:40pm on May 20, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000001e514cf3e93e7fbb28125793af4305927d4bad64cf091fdf9e
Captain's Swiggity Swaggity Swag Giveaway Parena
Tournament is closed! The winner was Open Ocelot!
There were a total of 38 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 2:11pm on May 19, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000006059b343a07dab7ebfe53c72561b5b699b900f86e40b4aefb6
💕 Thank-you Redvines360! The first Parena donator! 💕
Tournament is closed! The winner was Tender Turkey!
There were a total of 128 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 8:24pm on May 18, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000001f6415db6fd44611758e2ae472a17063d97e140c0440476958
Wil Wills a Wacky Wrangling Wrestle
Tournament is closed! The winner was Powerful Peacock!
There were a total of 10 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 8:29pm on May 17, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000003172a1d28ad4cd8597c0de535bf2611f0f06b6082b95ea1163
Crypto Consensus Convergence of Champions 👹 CARNAGE 👹
Tournament is closed! The winner was Drab Dugong!
There were a total of 162 fighters fighting in this tournament.
Tournament was completed at 4:20pm on May 17, 2018.
The Ethereum Block Hash used for random seeds for this tournament is 000000000000003270dbb0f3627804e4df2d844ab723f50e34b0e7e58711ae59