Delightful Dugong
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: Boozee / @BootC_and_his_recursive_scripts
- Class: Gladiator
- Weapon: Mace
- IN: 8
- AT: 12
- PA: 8
- Wins: 4
Seed: 00000000000001e514cf3e93e7fbb28125793af4305927d4bad64cf091fdf9e1
Statty Stat McStattington Parena Time!
Match Results
Delightful Dugong vs. BYE
Round 1Delightful Dugong was lucky and was able to earn a BYE past round #1!
Delightful Dugong vs. Dizzy Dogfish
Round 2Delightful Dugong was victorious over Dizzy Dogfish and won!
Alive Ape vs. Delightful Dugong
Round 3Delightful Dugong was victorious over Alive Ape and won!
Creepy Capybara vs. Delightful Dugong
Round 4Delightful Dugong was victorious over Creepy Capybara and won!