Powerful Partridge
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: LordHades / @LordHades2017
- Class: Orc
- Weapon: Sword & Shield
- IN: 5
- AT: 10
- PA: 11
- Wins: 4
Seed: 00000000000003513ec84d65666f72e5058bb6eae6febc0ea7715cadc3e2b9c2
wow. much parena. very fight. how to win?
Match Results
Powerful Partridge vs. BYE
Round 1Powerful Partridge was lucky and was able to earn a BYE past round #1!
Powerful Partridge vs. Disturbed Dotterel
Round 2Powerful Partridge was victorious over Disturbed Dotterel and won!
Thankful Tamarin vs. Powerful Partridge
Round 3Powerful Partridge was victorious over Thankful Tamarin and won!
Naughty Narwhal vs. Powerful Partridge
Round 4Powerful Partridge was victorious over Naughty Narwhal and won!