Hungry Hoopoe
- Owner: Saurabh / @hasijasaurabh
- Class: Orc
- Weapon: 2-Handed Sword
- IN: 9
- AT: 12
- PA: 8
- Wins: 6
Seed: 00000000000016f9561cf93122651d340a93d620d6a4259ebd47c2f635444247
The Clood Gods need more Cloooooood!!
Match Results
Hungry Hoopoe vs. Fantastic Fowl
Round 1Hungry Hoopoe was victorious over Fantastic Fowl and won!
Cloudy Crossbill vs. Hungry Hoopoe
Round 2Hungry Hoopoe was victorious over Cloudy Crossbill and won!
Fierce Fly vs. Hungry Hoopoe
Round 3Hungry Hoopoe was victorious over Fierce Fly and won!
Awful Ant vs. Hungry Hoopoe
Round 4Hungry Hoopoe was victorious over Awful Ant and won!
Sleepy Salamander vs. Hungry Hoopoe
Round 5Hungry Hoopoe was victorious over Sleepy Salamander and won!
Talented Trout vs. Hungry Hoopoe
Round 6Hungry Hoopoe was victorious over Talented Trout and won!