Mushy Manx
- Owner: Jeff Cripto / @jehggiurd10
- Class: Dwarf
- Weapon: Daggers
- IN: 4
- AT: 7
- PA: 13
- Wins: 5
Seed: 0000000000000dac9b4b4d90438faa5e43157cc8200967ebacf6d428f3cf7839
Squirrels vs monstertrucks
Match Results
Mushy Manx vs. Foolish Fly
Round 1Mushy Manx was victorious over Foolish Fly and won!
Dark Dingo vs. Mushy Manx
Round 2Mushy Manx was victorious over Dark Dingo and won!
Mushy Manx vs. Different Dingo
Round 3Mushy Manx was victorious over Different Dingo and won!
Mushy Manx vs. Mushy Mouse
Round 4Mushy Manx was victorious over Mushy Mouse and won!
Spotless Snail vs. Mushy Manx
Round 5Mushy Manx was victorious over Spotless Snail and won!
Adventurous Alpaca vs. Mushy Manx
Round 6Mushy Manx embarassed their ancestors and lost. Adventurous Alpaca was the winner!