Fantastic Fly
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: Fernando / @fernandomm
- Class: Knight
- Weapon: Bow
- IN: 14
- AT: 9
- PA: 9
- Wins: 5
Seed: 00000000000014e26d488fc01cddc7e36a51844ca21e925c4a37df108c1cdd10
Shawn is too sleepy for a clever name Wednesday Parena!
Match Results
Open Opossum vs. Fantastic Fly
Round 1Fantastic Fly was victorious over Open Opossum and won!
Defiant Dotterel vs. Fantastic Fly
Round 2Fantastic Fly was victorious over Defiant Dotterel and won!
Fantastic Fly vs. Dangerous Dingo
Round 3Fantastic Fly was victorious over Dangerous Dingo and won!
Fantastic Fly vs. Helpful Horse
Round 4Fantastic Fly was victorious over Helpful Horse and won!
Shy Sheep vs. Fantastic Fly
Round 5Fantastic Fly was victorious over Shy Sheep and won!