Rich Rat
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: Si lees esto tienes ojos / @DIN_ERO
- Class: Orc
- Weapon: Bow
- IN: 12
- AT: 12
- PA: 7
- Wins: 5
Seed: 0000000000000b6e728606bb1d01874da4fc82749011ac84b086d3ed9967b420
Quickest Parena of all times.
Match Results
Nasty Narwhal vs. Rich Rat
Round 1Rich Rat was victorious over Nasty Narwhal and won!
Elegant Emu vs. Rich Rat
Round 2Rich Rat was victorious over Elegant Emu and won!
Rich Rat vs. Clumsy Cod
Round 3Rich Rat was victorious over Clumsy Cod and won!
Rich Rat vs. Frightened Frog
Round 4Rich Rat was victorious over Frightened Frog and won!
Famous Flamingo vs. Rich Rat
Round 5Rich Rat was victorious over Famous Flamingo and won!