Crazy Cat
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: Giancarlo / @giancarlocrypto
- Class: Orc
- Weapon: Bow
- IN: 12
- AT: 12
- PA: 7
- Wins: 4
Seed: 00000000000003397de39da2ee490912f843b8698461ac2f25e1a41e3a110047
ParJar, ParJar, What's a ParJar?
Match Results
Crazy Cat vs. BYE
Round 1Crazy Cat was lucky and was able to earn a BYE past round #1!
Friendly Finch vs. Crazy Cat
Round 2Crazy Cat was victorious over Friendly Finch and won!
Witty Walrus vs. Crazy Cat
Round 3Crazy Cat was victorious over Witty Walrus and won!
Enthusiastic Emu vs. Crazy Cat
Round 4Crazy Cat was victorious over Enthusiastic Emu and won!