Drab Dog
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: Anton / @yasubuta
- Class: Dwarf
- Weapon: Bow
- IN: 12
- AT: 10
- PA: 9
- Wins: 5
Seed: 00000000000012c6940b1fffd728d8378499483cfd93a9af9a254eafc160d110
Parena Has Some New Artwork. 🎊 Celebration Time! 🎊 TAKE 2
Match Results
Drab Dog vs. BYE
Round 1Drab Dog was lucky and was able to earn a BYE past round #1!
Fancy Frog vs. Drab Dog
Round 2Drab Dog was victorious over Fancy Frog and won!
Inquisitive Impala vs. Drab Dog
Round 3Drab Dog was victorious over Inquisitive Impala and won!
Sore Shrike vs. Drab Dog
Round 4Drab Dog was victorious over Sore Shrike and won!
Joyous Jellyfish vs. Drab Dog
Round 5Drab Dog was victorious over Joyous Jellyfish and won!