Silly Swiftlet
- Owner: BuntyM / @Buntym45
- Class: Mercenary
- Weapon: Daggers
- IN: 6
- AT: 10
- PA: 9
- Wins: 6
Seed: 0000000000000534207437f9353d9de1788ff42384851230521a0d2d7582e027
Parena and chat NFT integrations and updates 4pm CET 3/25
Match Results
Silly Swiftlet vs. BYE
Round 1Silly Swiftlet was lucky and was able to earn a BYE past round #1!
Silly Swiftlet vs. Plain Pintail
Round 2Silly Swiftlet was victorious over Plain Pintail and won!
Beautiful Butterfly vs. Silly Swiftlet
Round 3Silly Swiftlet was victorious over Beautiful Butterfly and won!
Silly Swiftlet vs. Defeated Deer
Round 4Silly Swiftlet was victorious over Defeated Deer and won!
Silly Swiftlet vs. Tense Trout
Round 5Silly Swiftlet was victorious over Tense Trout and won!
Silly Swiftlet vs. Scary Stork
Round 6Silly Swiftlet was victorious over Scary Stork and won!