Annoyed Armadillo
Fighter is still alive!
- Owner: jhang / @jhang888
- Class: Barbarian
- Weapon: Axe
- IN: 6
- AT: 13
- PA: 8
- Wins: 3
Seed: 00000000000000983d244e81059abd150fc1f29cd4a86bc003fcf128d5afe002
Match Results
Annoyed Armadillo vs. Real Ray
Round 1Annoyed Armadillo was victorious over Real Ray and won!
Wandering Wombat vs. Annoyed Armadillo
Round 2Annoyed Armadillo was victorious over Wandering Wombat and won!
Cooperative Constrictor vs. Annoyed Armadillo
Round 3Annoyed Armadillo was victorious over Cooperative Constrictor and won!