Upset Unicorn
- Owner: Mila / @exchangexxi
- Class: Mercenary
- Weapon: Mace
- IN: 8
- AT: 13
- PA: 7
- Wins: 6
Seed: 0000000000000782f8fe42103feec1c933626e28da6d0320d31f1c3f7cf84441
Match Results
Comfortable Chipmunk vs. Upset Unicorn
Round 1Upset Unicorn was victorious over Comfortable Chipmunk and won!
Lively Lion vs. Upset Unicorn
Round 2Upset Unicorn was victorious over Lively Lion and won!
Upset Unicorn vs. Gleaming Gibbon
Round 3Upset Unicorn was victorious over Gleaming Gibbon and won!
Easy Elk vs. Upset Unicorn
Round 4Upset Unicorn was victorious over Easy Elk and won!
Upset Unicorn vs. Yucky Yak
Round 5Upset Unicorn was victorious over Yucky Yak and won!
Nasty Nightingale vs. Upset Unicorn
Round 6Upset Unicorn was victorious over Nasty Nightingale and won!