Annoying Ant
- Owner: Karen / @Icuddle
- Class: Dwarf
- Weapon: Bow
- IN: 12
- AT: 10
- PA: 9
- Wins: 7
Seed: 0000000000000419e3bdce18aefddc411470af30841eb49e4f67a64a892b4d81
Lets get to 100 peeps!!
Match Results
Annoying Ant vs. Drab Dragonfly
Round 1Annoying Ant was victorious over Drab Dragonfly and won!
Annoying Ant vs. Busy Baboon
Round 2Annoying Ant was victorious over Busy Baboon and won!
Annoying Ant vs. Attractive Addax
Round 3Annoying Ant was victorious over Attractive Addax and won!
Charming Cat vs. Annoying Ant
Round 4Annoying Ant was victorious over Charming Cat and won!
Annoying Ant vs. Homeless Hummingbird
Round 5Annoying Ant was victorious over Homeless Hummingbird and won!
Annoying Ant vs. Lazy Lark
Round 6Annoying Ant was victorious over Lazy Lark and won!
Annoying Ant vs. Courageous Chimpanzee
Round 7Annoying Ant was victorious over Courageous Chimpanzee and won!