Wicked Wallaby
- Owner: Chirag / @Nothing669
- Class: Barbarian
- Weapon: Spear
- IN: 12
- AT: 12
- PA: 7
- Wins: 7
Seed: 000000000000089dc026a0f40833882d68bd339c71c2a7edab0499f0551d6c44
Blessings 2020
Match Results
Wicked Wallaby vs. Tender Tamarin
Round 1Wicked Wallaby was victorious over Tender Tamarin and won!
Shiny Shark vs. Wicked Wallaby
Round 2Wicked Wallaby was victorious over Shiny Shark and won!
Wicked Wallaby vs. Gifted Gemsbok
Round 3Wicked Wallaby was victorious over Gifted Gemsbok and won!
Wicked Wallaby vs. Relieved Rabbit
Round 4Wicked Wallaby was victorious over Relieved Rabbit and won!
Nutty Nightingale vs. Wicked Wallaby
Round 5Wicked Wallaby was victorious over Nutty Nightingale and won!
Wicked Wallaby vs. Concerned Cheetah
Round 6Wicked Wallaby was victorious over Concerned Cheetah and won!
Wicked Wallaby vs. Motionless Mongoose
Round 7Wicked Wallaby was victorious over Motionless Mongoose and won!