Colorful Chinchilla
- Owner: Ben Schlaback / @Schlaback
- Class: Thief
- Weapon: Saber
- IN: 13
- AT: 8
- PA: 10
- Wins: 5
Seed: 0000000000000c0601d302458dc32aaa42db6d8300e9f24ac05bd7a4b69ebc15
Be more awesome. Be like Nilzinho!
Match Results
Colorful Chinchilla vs. BYE
Round 1Colorful Chinchilla was lucky and was able to earn a BYE past round #1!
Uninterested Unicorn vs. Colorful Chinchilla
Round 2Colorful Chinchilla was victorious over Uninterested Unicorn and won!
Worried Wolverine vs. Colorful Chinchilla
Round 3Colorful Chinchilla was victorious over Worried Wolverine and won!
Courageous Crane vs. Colorful Chinchilla
Round 4Colorful Chinchilla was victorious over Courageous Crane and won!
Awful Antelope vs. Colorful Chinchilla
Round 5Colorful Chinchilla was victorious over Awful Antelope and won!