Gorgeous Gazelle
- Owner: Abhijoy Sarkar / @abhijoysarkar
- Class: Elf
- Weapon: Spear
- IN: 16
- AT: 9
- PA: 8
- Wins: 5
Seed: 0000000000000e3075c30d9869a6acc28887707f61cb34bfbdf4847a7e69a214
A nice little Parachute Parena!!
Match Results
Gorgeous Gazelle vs. Stormy Serval
Round 1Gorgeous Gazelle was victorious over Stormy Serval and won!
Vivacious Vendace vs. Gorgeous Gazelle
Round 2Gorgeous Gazelle was victorious over Vivacious Vendace and won!
Gorgeous Gazelle vs. Condemned Crocodile
Round 3Gorgeous Gazelle was victorious over Condemned Crocodile and won!
Gorgeous Gazelle vs. Elated Eagle
Round 4Gorgeous Gazelle was victorious over Elated Eagle and won!
Careful Cassowary vs. Gorgeous Gazelle
Round 5Gorgeous Gazelle was victorious over Careful Cassowary and won!